Hi, welcome to the PhotoEditor-fashion testing family
Color pictures by touch with configurable brush size, color and opacity or apply effects like : greyscale, black & white, tint, colorize, pixelize, posterize, brightness, contrast, negative, saturation, sharpen, blur, edge detect, emboss, flip, rotate, transparency and more.
Add frames to your photos, apply special effects and save back to your phone or set modified images as walpaper with Photo Editor.
Keywords: photoeditor, photo editor, picsart, photoedit, picsart, photo effects, photo_editing, funny_photo, pics, cartoon photo, photo_magic, magic_photo
Tags: photoeditor, photo editor, photoedit, picsart, photo editor, picseditor, pics, photo splash, photo_editor_tool, photo_effects, color effects, photos, media, pics, "picsay", photo art, picture color, sepia tone, greyscale, black&white, tint, colorize, colourize, pixelize, mosaic, smear, posterize, solarize, brightness, contrast, exposure, negative, thermal, saturate, sharpen, blur, dilate, erode, spread, noise, edge detect, emboss, laplace, sobel, solid color, flip