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Hey Gorgeous! Flirt Planet Meet is a community where you get to meet and chat with as many singles as you like, anytime, anywhere, with no hassles and for FREE. Unlike other dating apps, with us there are: [+] No subscriptions or charges for messaging [+] No long, boring or pointless questionnaires [+] No biased, inaccurate “matching algorithm” [+] No unverified fake users [+] No ads As seen on: The Telegraph, Mail Online and The Huffington Post! Flirt Planet Meet is FREE for your everyday use. After all, that’s how it should be! Don’t you think? That is why we built it -- just for YOU! We blended all what is important to you into a single App: * Your own customizable "Matching Sauce" puts YOU in control of your dating destiny. The real science in your Matching Sauce means: no lies, no exaggerations, no bogus matches. Only truly compatible dates! * You only receive messages from users approved by you. You consent requests which means: no barrage of unsolicited messages. * You set up your profile in an instant via Facebook. * Your matches are REAL USERS verified by Facebook. * You discover people nearby to connect with. * You send and receive connection requests from users for free. Send as many as you like, using your free daily Flirt Juice allowance. * You message your connections for free, as often as you like. Just like Instant Messaging. * You discover more about your personality, in just minutes, by taking our unbiased and accurate personality test; created by leading behavioral psychologists and neuroscientists ( * You rate others based on the quality of their overall profile. Everyone gets rated fairly which means: quality profiles. * You can exchange in-app Flirt Gold for useful "premium" items at the Boosts Store, like "Shooting Star," a Boost that makes you a featured user, so you'll stand out and appear in more search results!

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