Hi, welcome to the billkal Free beta testing family
Developed by SDaskal Enterprises, LLC
Website: http://www.billkal.com
How would you like to never-again lose an important phone number or email address? What if your contact list could keep track of the contact information belonging to everyone you know, even if their contact information changes? Finally, now you can, if you become a billkal member and join the Contact Revolution!
billkal Free is a revolutionary app that connects to billkal's central database, providing you with the ability to update and change your contact information in other peoples' Contact Lists, even on an individual basis! Also, your contacts, after you have established a billkal Connection with them, have the ability to choose which of their contact information is visible to you, in your Contact List on your phone. Better yet, direct, one-tap phone number dialing, text message initiation, and emailing - directly from your billkal Contact List - are all additional features that you gain by using billkal, among many other highly useful functions.
Your phone number changed? Just enter it into your profile in place of your old number, and everyone with whom you share that number has the NEW number appear in their Contact Lists, within seconds. The same is true for email addresses and many other kinds of contact information. The accompanying free web-based version, billkal Web, lets you access contacts from most devices with Internet access and a standard web browser.
- New phone? Just download billkal and log into your account to access all of your contacts.
- Temporarily without your phone? Log into your billkal account through the web version and provide an alternate phone number to all of your contacts in seconds. Once you get your phone back, easily change your profile to again show your real phone number, also within seconds. No one will ever notice that you lost your phone or forgot it at home!
- New job? Being connected to family, friends, co-workers, and anyone else you might need to reach, or who might need to reach you - will ensure that they can reach you when they need to reach you.
- Friends on the move? You never see outdated information when you connect with your contacts via billkal, because your Contact List updates within seconds of when your contacts update their own Profiles.
- Don't want work contacts to see your personal contact info? Customize and control which phone numbers, email addresses, and other contact information you share with any contact. You decide what contact information you share with each of your contacts.
- Need a better way to organize? Create custom groups and manage your contacts in the way that's easiest for you.
- Invite other users to join the Contact Revolution and finally stop worrying about keeping track of peoples' contact information!
billkal works best on Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) and above.
billkal Free: Identical to billkal Premium, but available for free, and displays banner advertisements.
billkal Premium: Identical to billkal Free, but available for a low, upfront download fee.
billkal Web: Available for free to allow billkal members to access their Profiles and Contact Lists as well as many other functions, from any device with internet access and a standard web browser.
VISIT www.billkal.com to learn more about billkal and to access billkal Web.