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The only source of news you will need. Etsuri is the best source for news that matters to you. Etsuri is a topic oriented news app that provides and organises all news on any topic you want to follow into a simple timeline. More than just newsreader, it is the only online news source you need. With Etsuri’s newsfeed and timeline news is easy to discover and understand. Events are simple and easy to follow, displaying in chronological order what has happened. Following topics that you care about ensures that we find the right articles for you. Using Etsuri is the easiest way to keep up to date with breaking news and historical news, giving you the whole context. With Etsuri you can follow any topic imaginable – politics,business, fashion, sports, tech, to specific news, such as the UK GeneralElection, the Premier League, LIBOR scandal and human rights. If you can’t find one you like, create a new one! Etsuri helps you discover new blogs, writers and topics to follow. With news from sources from all over the world Etsuri provides unprecedented coverage from your favourite news sites and magazines such as BBC News, New York Times, Reuters, and CNN with more sources being added all the time. From global news to local news we bring you news from the world to the national level to your local newspaper such as London, NewYork, Manchester or Brighton. You can publish your own news and opinion pieces giving you a chance to take part in the conversation and stay in touch with your direct audience. Post stories from your blog and share stories through Facebook and Twitter. Take pictures and images to tell the world your story, Ideal for freelance journalists reporting their news. Etsuri is more than just an RSS feed. It is the only news source you will ever need, for journalists and readers alike.

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