Hi, welcome to the Catenaccio Football Manager testing family
Start with your team from the minor leagues, improve your club and challenge the best players all over the world!
Catenaccio Football Manager has a custom engine that will simulate faithfully the development of the match, taking in consideration the specific values of the players, the tactics of both teams, the influence of the stadium and, like in every sport, luck can change the final results!
Every day you will face other managers, so be careful to check your formation in order to line up your bests 11, taking in consideration injury, tired players and suspensions
At the end of the season your team will go to training, some players will increase their capability and their values, some of them may get worst or even retire!
What's better then have your team evolve from season to season and see your young protégé became a world class top player?
Main features of Catenaccio Football Manager:
- FREE to play. Always
- Challenge other manager all over the world
- Perpetual seasons, your team will follow you forever!
- Custom engine simulator
Join the early access release and be among the first lucky users to have a preview of Catenaccio Football Manager.
Other amazing features are already in progress and will be released soon
For any comments, questions or requests:
Did you find any translation errors? report them to
to get in-game rewards!