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Hi, welcome to the Fermi testing family

Fermi is a number guessing game in which you attempt to guess three unique numbers guided only by hints of "Fermi, Pico, and Nano". The object of the game is to guess three numbers each between 0 and 9 in the correct order. You will be guided by hints consisting of Fermi, Pico, and Nano. Fermi - Indicates a digit is correct and in the correct position. Pico - Indicates a digit is correct, but in the wrong position. Nano - Indicates a digit is incorrect. The hints appear in alphabetical order, for example, if the target number was 467 and you guess 347 your hint will be Fermi Pico Nano. The game ends when you reach three Fermi's indicating you have guessed the correct three digit combination. Try and guess the correct combination in the least number of guesses!

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