Hi, welcome to the Secret Flying testing family
We're excited to announce the Secret Flying app.
Secret Flying specialises in finding the cheapest flight deals online.
Wondering how it works? It's as simple as this...
The Secret Flying team are always searching the web for random cheap flight deals. We search flights departing from cities all over the world. When we find a great flight deal, we simply share it with our fans. That's it.
This app takes Secret Flying to the next level.
Our loyal fans have asked for instant alerts when we post a flight deal departing their home city. Now it's here.
Simply register then choose which departure cities you wish to be alerted about.
Secret Flying offers super cheap deals with leading airlines from around the world, including American Airlines, Delta, United, Emirates, Qatar Airways, British Airways, Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific and many more.
We direct our users to reputable third party booking sites, including Expedia, Priceline, Skyscanner, CheapOair and many more.
Are you a fan of our free instant alerts?
Leave us a review in the App Store and tell us what you love about it.