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Hi, welcome to the deScribe testing family

deScribe is a multiplayer game which combines elements of both Telephone and Pictionary. The game play consists of one person starting a game by either drawing a picture or describing something to be drawn. The next person will have to either draw what was described or describe what they see drawn. And so on for each next person until the game is complete (10 turns). Each next player will be able to see only the turn immediately preceding theirs (in other words, only the drawing or description right before their turn) until after they are done. Each person may only take one turn in any one "game" but you may participate in as many "games" as you like, all concurrently. You may reward artists for their drawings by giving it a star. The best artists are tracked for each week, month and all time. The free version is ad-supported and has the following limitations: While drawing, the number of layers is limited to 2. You may only participate in up to 5 games per day. Advanced features may lag behind the paid version

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